Selection process

The LUX Selection Panel draws from European film professionals, who select the five nominated films for the LUX Audience Award from an extensive pool of eligible films.  Each member of the selection panel is able to propose two films to be considered for nomination. The LUX Selection Panel meets each year in Brussels in June for a two-day meeting.

Eligibility criteria

In order to be considered for the LUX Audience Award, films needed to meet the following criteria:


  • To have received an award, or notable attention, at a major festival.
  • To have been sold or to have been theatrically released in at least five EU Member States (or to have had its rights sold in at least one EU Member State in the case of films from the Cannes Film Festival).
  • To have had its first official public screening at a festival or in a cinema or online release between 1 July of the preceding year and end of May of the current year.


  • Illustrate the diversity of topics at the heart of European debate, as well as the European values, and encourage exchange between Members of the European Parliament and citizens on issues impacting European daily life and Europe’s future
  • Successfully portray equality, diversity, democracy and inclusion through the film’s topics and characters
  • Represent as much as possible the topics covered in the legislative work of the European Union
  • Be accessible to a wide and diverse European audience, including young people
  • Diversity of tone and genre is encouraged

Production's geographic origin:

Films need to be produced or co-produced in countries eligible for the CREATIVE EUROPE-MEDIA programme (EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine).


Fiction, animation and documentary.


Have a run-time of at least 60 minutes. Films longer than 120 minutes should be avoided as much as possible.